at Universitas Tarumanagara
Dean Expects FSRD Graduates to Apply Their Knowledge in Society
The Faculty of Arts and Design (FSRD) Untar organized 2022/2023 Odd Semester Judicium, Thursday (9/2), at Untar campus Auditorium and attended by faculty leaders and lecturers. 210 students obtained Bachelor of Arts degree in this judicium. The judicium was attended...
Rector of Untar Reminds Campus Needs to Develop Internal Advantage
A university has to develop integrated internal advantage that suits the needs of stakeholders. This internal advantage acts as a strong value that becomes a part of the university, without copying other universities' advantages. Furthermore, a university leader must...
Delegates of UTama Wants to Study Organization Management at Untar
Delegates of Universitas Widyatama (UTama) led by Vice Rector of Higher Education Tri Dharma & Student Affairs Dr. R. Wedi Rusmawan Kusumah, S.E., M.Si., Ak., C.A. visited Untar and received by Vice Rector I Untar Dr. Rasji, S.H., M.H., at Untar rectorate,...
Dean Asks Fikom Graduates Ready to Face Challenges
Faculty of Communication Science (Fikom) Untar held 2022/2023 odd semester judicium ceremony at Graha Swara Untar, Monday (30/1), led by Dean of Fikom Untar Dr. Riris Loisa, M.Si. and attended by Head of Bachelor of Communication Science Study Program Untar Sinta...
QS Stars: Untar, A Four Stars Campus
Untar ranked as a four stars university by QS Stars University Rating. The four stars rating shows that Untar is Rated for Excellence. This rating is an improvement from the previous rating. In 2019, Untar was rated three stars rating by QS. This achievement is the...
Host of Future Robot Competition, Untar Supports Creative Scientific Education
Untar becomes the host of Greenmech & Robot for Misson (R4M) Regional Competition 2023. This competition is a collaboration between Rumah Edukasi and Untar, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung, and Indonesian Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics...
Untar Management Team Wins 2nd Place in National Level Business Case Competition
Untar Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Management Team wins again. Faith Team mentored by Dr. Dr. Yenita, S.E., M.M., MBA, M.Si., M.T., M.H., M.Pd., M.Ak., M.E., M.I.Kom., MMSI managed to win the second place in Indonesia Ocean Exhibition Competition 2023:...