Untar in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Pandeglang held a blood donation event at Graha Swara, Untar Campus 1 on Wednesday (27/9). The event was held on the occasion of the Untar’s 64th Anniversary and 58th Anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine.
In his speech, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Dr. dr. Noer Saelan Tadjudin, Sp.KJ. said that blood donation is a beneficial activity, both for one’s own body and others, especially those in need.
Furthermore, Dr. Noer Saelan invited all academic community to donate blood regularly.
Opening the event, Vice Rector I Dr. Rasji, S.H., M.H. thanked all donors. According to the Vice Rector, the donors are “Humanitarian Heroes”.
“Donors can contribute directly or indirectly in saving someone’s life, so they deserve to be called ‘Humanitarian Heroes’,” concluded the Vice Rector.
In particular, the Vice Rector expressed his appreciation to PMI Pandeglang who became a partner in this activity.
Faculty of Communication Science (Fikom) student Debora Natalia, who also donated blood, said that this activity was very beneficial for people in need. She hopes the blood obtained can be distributed appropriately to people in need.
“I also hope that activities like this will be held regularly so that more people can be helped,” said Debora.
This activity was attended by 127 blood donors consisting of lecturers, staff, and students. Also present at the event were the Head of Quality Assurance and Resources Institute Ir. Gregorius Sandjaja Sentosa, M.T., Head of Learning Resources Center Dr. dr. Arlends Chris, M.Si., Head of Internal Audit Office Henny, S.E., M.Si., Akt., CA, and Head of Credit Ratings Office Bagus Mulyawan, S.Kom., M.M. (YI/AW)