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Untar Leaders
Ir. Gregorius Sandjaja Sentosa, M.T.
Head of Quality and Resources Assurance Institute
Ir. Gregorius Sandjaja Sentosa, M.T.
Head of Quality and Resources Assurance Institute
In 1986, Ir. Gregorius graduated with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Untar and continued his Masters in Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1991. With various professional work experiences as a Civil Engineering consultant in the geotechnical field, since 1994, he has been active as a member of the Indonesian Soil Engineers Association (HATTI) and works as a committee. His teaching experience started in 1988 as a teaching assistant in the Department of Civil Engineering Untar for the Engineering Mechanics, Concrete Construction courses. After completing his Master’s studies, in 1991, he taught courses in Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, and Soil Dynamics and was an instructor in the Soil Mechanics laboratory. Research activities are carried out mainly in the geotechnical field, especially testing in the soil mechanics laboratory. In 2014 – 2016 together with the research team, they received research funds from the DP2M Ditjen Dikti. With several scientific publications in scientific journals and proceedings, one paper in Geotechnical Engineering scientific literature was chosen as Best Paper at the 12th National Civil Engineering Conference in Batam in 2018.