23 Jun 2023 | AW, Cooperation, MBKM & IKU, News, SDG16, SDG17, SDG3, SDG4, SDG9
Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., ASEAN Eng. visited Kompas.com media office, Jakarta, Friday (23/6). The visit was conducted with Untar Public Relations in order to broaden collaboration with media. In the discussion, Untar Head of...
23 Jun 2023 | Cooperation, MBKM & IKU, News, SDG16, SDG17, SDG3, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8, YI
Untar in collaboration with El John Indonesia Foundation held a talk show “El John Pageants Goes to Campus” at Graha Swara Campus 1 Untar, Friday (23/6). The talk show presented by lecturer of Faculty of Psychology Untung Subroto, S.Psi., M.Psi. and Putri...
22 Jun 2023 | Cooperation, FSRD, MBKM & IKU, News, SDG11, SDG17, SDG3, SDG4, SDG9, YI
Interior Design Student Research Seminar (SRIMDI) that was held by the Faculty of Arts and Design (FSRD) Untar, themed “Research in Interior Design to Increase User’s Comfort”, Thursday (22/6) online. Architecture Professor of Universitas Indonesia...
03 Jun 2023 | Achievement, Cooperation, Entrepreneurship, Fikom, MBKM & IKU, News, SDG17, SDG3, SDG4, SDG8, YS
Students of the Faculty of Communication Science (Fikom) Untar held Communication Week (Commweek) 2023 at Gandaria City Mall, Jakarta, Saturday (3/6). The two-day event features various activities such as music show, dance competition, down syndrome awareness, talk...
24 May 2023 | FPsi, News, SDG16, SDG17, SDG3, SDG4, SDG8, SDG9
The Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) Untar held a working meeting (Raker) led by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology Sri Tiatri, S.Psi., Psychologist, Ph.D., Monday (22/5) in Alam Sutera, Tangerang. The meeting was held to discuss strategic steps in achieving...
24 May 2023 | FEB, MBKM & IKU, News, SC, SDG16, SDG17, SDG3, SDG4, SDG8, SDG9
The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Untar held work meeting on Tuesday (23/5) in Bogor, West Java. Work meeting discussed achievements of Primary Performance Indicator (IKU) with focus on the importance of networking for lecturers and discussed on strategies...