02 Feb 2023 | Community Engagement, Media Coverage, News, SA, SDG10, SDG16, SDG17
Untar’s Chinese New Year Celebration participated by the whole academic community on Thursday (2/2), themed “Untar for Indonesia: Unity in Diversity for Mutual Prosperity.” The message of Java, especially Solo, and Chinese acculturation, was well...
24 Jan 2023 | Cooperation, MBKM & IKU, Media Coverage, News, SDG16, SDG17, SDG9, YS
Untar and Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) Region III (LLDIKTI III) collaborated in organizing the 2nd Public Relations Festival, titled “Improvement of Public Relations Quality through MBKM Publications” at Untar campus auditorium, Tuesday...
09 Jan 2023 | Cooperation, EL, FT, MBKM & IKU, News, Research, SDG11, SDG16, SDG17
Currently, there are three layers of crisis faced by the younger generation. Starting from climate change, massive transformation in digital era, and rising political polarization. After the pandemic attacked massively, the Global Human Development Index Value...
09 Jan 2023 | AW, Cooperation, JS, MBKM & IKU, News, SDG16, SDG17, SDG9
Untar delegates led by Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., IPU, AE visited Kun Shan University (KSU) Taiwan and greeted by President of KSU Prof. Dr. Tien-Shang Lee and other KSU leaders, Monday (9/1). This visit was conducted to sign the...