06 Jun 2023 | Cooperation, FH, MBKM & IKU, SC, SDG17, SDG4, SDG8, SDG9
Faculty of Law (FH) Untar held a public lecture themed “Chinese Trade Law: Get to Know the Principles, Norms, and Court Practice” online, Tuesday (6/6). The public lecture presented Prof. Yongmei Chen from Southwest University of Political Science &...
27 May 2023 | Achievement, Cooperation, MBKM & IKU, News, SC, SDG17, SDG4, SDG9
Untar is hosting the GreenMech and Robot for Mission (R4M) National Competition for elementary, junior high, and high school levels on May 27 and 28, 2023. Collaborating with Rumah Edukasi, the competition is expected to provide understanding and application of STEAM...
24 May 2023 | FEB, MBKM & IKU, News, SC, SDG16, SDG17, SDG3, SDG4, SDG8, SDG9
The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Untar held work meeting on Tuesday (23/5) in Bogor, West Java. Work meeting discussed achievements of Primary Performance Indicator (IKU) with focus on the importance of networking for lecturers and discussed on strategies...
17 May 2023 | Community Engagement, Cooperation, FT, News, SC, SDG11, SDG15, SDG4
Master of Architecture Untar successfully held the 28th Heritage Online Seminar with the topic “Heritage & Cultural Landscape” online, Wednesday (17/5). The event presented experts and students in the fields of architecture, preservation, and culture....
10 Apr 2023 | Community Engagement, Cooperation, MBKM & IKU, News, SC, SDG11, SDG16, SDG17
Untar and INTI International University and Colleges Malaysia organized a two-week international student exchange program, in 13-16 March 2023. 42 students from both campuses participated in this program. This student exchange program aims to give students the...
31 Mar 2023 | Community Engagement, Cooperation, News, SC, SDG10, SDG17, SDG8
Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., ASEAN Eng and Regent of Mahakam Ulu Regency Bonifasius Belawan Geh signed a Memorandum of Understanding (Mou), Friday (31/3) at Untar campus. This signing is the extension of previous MoU and as...