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FEB Work Meeting Focuses on Building International Reputation

24 May 2023

Oleh: Admin Pusat

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Untar held work meeting on Tuesday (23/5) in Bogor, West Java.

Work meeting discussed achievements of Primary Performance Indicator (IKU) with focus on the importance of networking for lecturers and discussed on strategies to improve educational quality and international reputation.

Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., A.E. who attended stated the importance of increasing international reputation. Therefore, bigger lecturer’s role is expected in order to build global networking.

“Lecturers of FEB must be actively participate in international conferences and cooperation with other universities. By expanding said network, the faculty will have a greater access to the most update knowledge, research collaboration, and more diverse teaching opportunities,” said Rector.

The work meeting which was led by Dean of FEB Dr. Sawidji Widoatmodjo, S.E., M.M., M.B.A. was attended by lecturers and staffs and held for two days. (SC/YS/AW)

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