27 Apr 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FSRD
Industri Furniture Ekspor terutama kayu dan rotan merupakan potensi besar yang dimiliki Indonesia. Oleh karena ini, diperlukan pengembangan yang berkelanjutan, tidak saja dari sudut pandang proses produksi, tetapi juga pemasaran yang berbasis pada potensi Desain....
27 Apr 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FSRD
On July 10 to June 13, 2014, the UK Government organized the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict Areas. The event was attended by 1700 delegates from 129 countries. The event was led by the Foreign Secretary, and Angelina Jolie as the Special Envoy of the...
27 Apr 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FSRD
Pemerintah Kerajaan Inggris pada tanggal 10 sampai 13 Juni, 2014, menyelenggarakan Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict Areas. Acara itu diikuti oleh 1700 delegasi dari 129 negara. Acara dipimpin oleh Menteri Luar Negeri Inggris, dan Angelina Jolie...
20 Apr 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FSRD
Juara Kategori ‘The Best Creative’ dalam Asiagraph Reallusion Award 2015 di Taiwan Tim Desain Komunikasi Visual dari Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (DKV-FSRD) Universitas Tarumanagara (Untar) berhasil membawa nama Indonesia dalam lomba Asiagraph Reallusion Award 2015...
20 Apr 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FSRD
Champion ‘The Best Creative’ category in Asiagraph Reallusion Award 2015 in Taiwan. Design Communication Visual team of The Faculty of Art and Design (DKV-FSRD) Tarumanagara University (Untar) succeded to bring Indonesia name in The Competition of...
13 Apr 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FSRD
The Faculty of Arts and Design at Tarumanagara University role as the well-known higher education in Jakarta. This Faculty have the vision to be the Faculty of Arts and Design in excellence entrepreneurial who have the integrity and professionalism in Southeast Asia....