20 Apr 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FSRD
Juara Kategori ‘The Best Creative’ dalam Asiagraph Reallusion Award 2015 di Taiwan Tim Desain Komunikasi Visual dari Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (DKV-FSRD) Universitas Tarumanagara (Untar) berhasil membawa nama Indonesia dalam lomba Asiagraph Reallusion Award 2015...
20 Apr 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FSRD
Champion ‘The Best Creative’ category in Asiagraph Reallusion Award 2015 in Taiwan. Design Communication Visual team of The Faculty of Art and Design (DKV-FSRD) Tarumanagara University (Untar) succeded to bring Indonesia name in The Competition of...
13 Apr 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FSRD
The Faculty of Arts and Design at Tarumanagara University role as the well-known higher education in Jakarta. This Faculty have the vision to be the Faculty of Arts and Design in excellence entrepreneurial who have the integrity and professionalism in Southeast Asia....
13 Apr 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FSRD
On 24th October 2015, the senior high school students in SMAN 96 Jakarta has visited the Faculty of Arts and Design at Tarumanagara University to participate the creativity skill training held by the community service team of this faculty which supported by Ventura...
13 Apr 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FSRD
Splendid! Students in the Visual Communication Design Program won the runner-up and third place feat in the Motion Graphic Giant LED “Jakarta Art in Motion 2015” Competition. Students in the multimedia program concentration in the Visual Communication Design Study...
16 Mar 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FSRD
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Saat ini sedang berlangsung kegiatan Pameran Hasil Karya Lomba Desain th 2015 oleh Mahasiswa Desain Interior FSRD Untar, sejak Senin 7 Maret 2016. Kegiatan ini menampilkan Desain Interior karya Mahasiswa...