01 Des 2017 | Berita Fakultas, FIKOM
untar.ac.id/fikom – Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Dr. Riris Loisa, M.Si. bersama salah satu dosen Fikom Untar, Diah Ayu Candraningrum, MBA., M.Si. menghadiri peringatan Hari Internasional Solidaritas Untuk Masyarakat Palestina bertema “Ending the Occupation:...
29 Nov 2017 | Berita Fakultas, FIKOM
After one Even Semester receiving Brand & Positioning theory course, the faculty’s 3rd semester students are making food products. Students are asked to create products with packaging that meet aesthetic and functional standards, and present a number of brand...
28 Nov 2017 | Berita Fakultas, FIKOM
Setelah genap satu semester menerima materi kuliah Brand & Positioning, mahasiswa semester 3 Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Tarumanagara mempraktikkan pembuatan brand (merek) untuk produk makanan atau minuman. Para mahasiswa diminta menciptakan produk...
27 Nov 2017 | Berita Fakultas, FIKOM
Tarumanagara Communication Science Faculty had done Atma Jaya Yogyakarta Political and Social Faculty which located in Jalan Barbasari No.6, on Wednesday, 22nd November 2017. The arrival of comparative study team was represented by the Head of Study Program and Dean’s...
24 Nov 2017 | Berita Fakultas, FIKOM
On 23-24 November 2017, Tarumanagara University held a National Seminar on Research Result and Community Service 2017 which was organized by DPPM Untar, in Auditorium of Building M on the 8th floor of Universitas Tarumanagara. The theme of this national seminar is...