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Fikom Untar Achieved 13 Awards in Research Week 2017

12 Desember 2017

Oleh: Admin Pusat


On December 11 to 15, 2017, Tarumanagara University organize a Research Week 2017 at 8th Floor M Building Tarumanagara University. This annual routine aims to publish the results of research and community service, as well as appreciation to Tarumanagara University  lecturers who excel. In the event, Fikom Untar lecturer won the award for Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi achievement during 2016-2017. The following are the 4 categories of awards obtained by Fikom Untar lecturers.

  • First, The Beginner’s Lecturer Research in Kemenristekdikti category was achieved by 4 Fikom Untar lecturers, the names are : Farid S.S, M.Si., Yugih Setyanto S.Sos., M.Si., Muhammad Adi Pribadi MIB., M.Comm., H.H.Daniel Tamburian S. Sos., M.Si.
  • Second, Kemenristekdikti Applied Product Research category was achieved by 2 Fikom Untar lecturers, Dr. Eko Harry Susanto., M.Si team and Suzy Azeharie, MA.,M.Phil team.
  • Third, in National Newspaper / Magazine Articles was achieved by Doddy Salman, SH., M.Si.
  • The Fourth, The first Writing category in International Journal/Proceedings was achieved by three FIkom Untar lecturers; Suzy Azeharie, MA., M.Phil., and Yugih Setyanto S.Sos., M.Si., and Dr. Eko Harry Susanto., M.Si which achieved 3 accolades in the same category.

“Research Week 2017 is motivation and appreciation event for lecturers of Fikom Untar. To be more motivated in developing knowledge in Communication Science through Research, Community Service, and Publication in the future” said Farid. (SA)

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