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Untar Leaders

Regina Suryadjaja, S.T., M.T.
Head of Bachelor of Regional and Urban Planning Study Program
Regina Suryadjaja, S.T., M.T.
Head of Bachelor of Regional and Urban Planning Study Program
Regina completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s education in the field of Urban and Regional Planning with a concentration in Real Estate, both at Universitas Tarumanagara. She is a Regional and Urban Planning Expert expertise certification – Young and a Basic Property Appraiser skill certification. In 2012, she became a permanent lecturer, Secretary of the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program from 2012-2018, and the Head of Study Program for the 2018-2021 period. Her teaching focus is on real estate development and appraisal. Apart from being active in teaching, Regina is also actively conducting research on real estate development (development of shopping centers, new city development, hotel development, and technology in real estate) in various urban locations in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area.