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Untar Leaders

Dr. Zamralita, M.M., Psikolog

Head of Bachelor of Psychology Study Program

Dr. Zamralita, M.M., Psikolog

Head of Bachelor of Psychology Study Program


Dr. Zamralita graduated with a Bachelor of Psychology from Universitas Padjadjaran in 1993 with the title of Psychologist and continued her study at the Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran and graduated in 2001 in the field of Human Resource Management. Continuing her Doctoral study in the Psychology Doctoral Program at Universitas Padjadjaran and graduated in 2013. Her teaching experience began in 1997, taking charge of several Psychology courses in Bachelor’s and Master’s Study Programs. Among them are the Basics of Psychological Assessment and Psychodiagnostics related to psychological test tools, Organizational Behavior, Workshop on Introduction to the World of Work and Career Guidance. Research areas of interest related to positive work behavior include Work Engagement, Organizational Commitment, Quality of Work Life, Psychological Capital and others. The Field of Community Service executed is related to the Majors in the Field of Study and Interests Talent Test.