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Untar Leaders

Dr. Ir. Najid, M.T.

Head of Doctor of Civil Engineering Study Program

Dr. Ir. Najid, M.T.

Head of Doctor of Civil Engineering Study Program


Dr. Ir. Najid completed his Civil Engineering Engineer Education at ISTN Jakarta, Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering at Universitas Indonesia and Doctoral Education at Institut Teknologi Bandung. He became a permanent lecturer in Civil Engineering at Universitas Tarumanagara in 1992, who once served as Assistant Dean from 2008-2012, and Head of Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering 2019-now. Active in the world of Education, various scientific activities he pursues consist of Professional associations in EASTS, MKJI, HPJI, and FSTPT, and becoming a member of DTKJ (Jakarta City Transportation Council) in 2008-2010, 2010-2012 and 2017-2020. He was also a member of the Transportation Research and Development Expert Council, became a member of the FSTPT Scientific committee, obtained a Copyright certificate, and received a 2016-2017 Higher Education research grant.