12 Oct 2023 | Achievement, FH, MBKM & IKU, Media Coverage, News, SDG16, SDG17, SDG4, SDG8, VW
Lecturer of the Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas Tarumanagara (Untar) Prof. Dr. Gunardi Lie, S.H., M.H. was inaugurated as a Professor of Business Law on Wednesday (12/10) at Main Building Auditorium, Untar Campus 1. Gunardi Lie delivered an inaugural speech titled...
05 Oct 2023 | Cooperation, FSRD, MBKM & IKU, News, SDG11, SDG12, SDG17, SDG4, SDG8, SDG9, VW
The Interior Design Study Program (DI Study Program) of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design (FSRD) Untar in collaboration with IKEA held the 19th IDETALK (Interior Design Talk) talk show, Thursday (5/10) at Building K Campus 1 Untar. Themed “Plan a Better...
21 Sep 2023 | Achievement, Cooperation, FSRD, MBKM & IKU, News, SDG17, SDG4, SDG9, VW
Faculty of Arts and Design (FSRD) Untar held an International Design Seminar to celebrate the 29th Anniversary of FSRD Untar, online, Thursday (21/9). Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., A.E. in his speech hopes that the...
14 Sep 2023 | Achievement, FT, News, SDG4, SDG9, VW
The Master of Civil Engineering (MTS) Study Program obtained Superior accreditation from the Engineering Study Program Self-Accreditation Institute (LAM Teknik). The predicate is based on the Decree of the Chairman of the Executive Committee of LAM Teknik PII No....
14 Sep 2023 | Achievement, FSRD, News, SDG10, SDG12, SDG17, SDG4, VW
Faculty of Arts and Design (FSRD) Untar celebrated its 29th Anniversary with the theme “Glocal Hybrid Culture” at Campus 1 Untar, Thursday (14/9). Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design Dr. Kurnia Setiawan, S.Sn., M.Hum revealed that the theme was raised...
12 Sep 2023 | Achievement, Fikom, MBKM & IKU, News, SDG10, SDG17, SDG4, SDG5, SDG8, VW
Faculty of Communication Science (Fikom) Student, Kimberley Adonia Gunawan, managed to finish her internship semester at The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) through Certified Internship and Independent Study Program (MSIB)....