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Financial Literacy Seminar at Untar: PT ORIX Indonesia Finance Encourages Students to Enhance Financial Knowledge

8 November 2024

Oleh: Admin

Doc: Untar PR – VH

PT ORIX Indonesia Finance held a financial literacy seminar at the Untar Campus II on Friday, November 8, 2024. The seminar was attended by the Head of the Business Management Bachelor’s Program at Untar, Dr. Frangky Selamat, S.E., M.M., who welcomed the speakers: Ade Vidonta Ginting, Senior Human Resource Management at PT ORIX Indonesia Finance, and Patrick Kevin Aritonang, S.E., M.B.A., Treasury Division Head at PT ORIX Indonesia Finance.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Frangky emphasized the importance of financial literacy for students as a preparation for facing future economic challenges. He hoped that the seminar would raise awareness about the importance of wise financial management.
Ade opened the seminar by introducing PT ORIX Indonesia Finance, a company engaged in financing and financial services. Kevin continued the session by explaining the seminar’s goal, which was to enhance financial literacy in Indonesia, starting with the student community. He also encouraged students to participate in spreading financial literacy knowledge to the wider public to support greater financial inclusion.

Kevin Aritonang presenting the material // Source: Untar Public Relations – VH


In the main session of the seminar, Kevin Aritonang provided an in-depth explanation of various investment instruments based on their risk levels. He reviewed several investment options, including deposits, government bonds, corporate bonds, fixed income mutual funds, mixed mutual funds, equity mutual funds, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. Kevin also encouraged participants to actively engage by answering questions aimed at categorizing investor types based on their risk profiles.
During the interview session, Ade Vidonta Ginting revealed potential collaboration opportunities between PT ORIX Indonesia Finance and Untar students to organize broader financial literacy education programs for the public. Kevin added that such seminars are crucial, not only for students from the Faculty of Economics, but also for students from other faculties who might have knowledge gaps in financial literacy. He hopes that in the future, seminars like this can expand their reach, not only to students but also to the general public.
“This seminar is an important step in introducing and enhancing financial literacy among students, equipping them with knowledge to face future economic challenges,” he stated.


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