Untar inaugurated Prof. Dr. Drs. Sawidji Widoatmodjo, S.E., M.M. from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) as Permanent Professor of Economics in an inauguration ceremony at the Auditorium of Untar Campus I, Wednesday (6/3).
The inauguration ceremony was led by Untar Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., ASEAN Eng. and attended by Tarumanagara Foundation Chairman Prof. Dr. Ariawan Gunadi, S.H., M.H., and representatives of Higher Education Service Institution Region III (LLDikti III).
Delivering an inaugural speech titled “Entrepreneurial Producers as a Renewal Strategy of Comparative Advantage to Realize Golden Indonesia”, Prof. Sawidji highlighted the importance of adapting comparative advantage in facing Indonesia’s economic challenges.
He emphasized that relying on the exploitation of natural resources alone will not be enough to achieve high and sustainable economic growth.
Therefore, Indonesia needs to direct attention to the manufacturing and production sectors, and pay attention to the characteristics of the domestic economy dominated by household consumption to increase the role of entrepreneurial producers in the face of global changes.
In addition, universities also have an important role in supporting the formation of a generation of innovative entrepreneurs.
“Entrepreneurial campuses such as Untar are expected to be the center of coaching and development of entrepreneurial producers, directing Indonesia towards sustainable economic growth and more competitive at the global level,” concluded Prof. Sawidji.
In addition to Prof. Sawidji, the inauguration ceremony also inaugurated Prof. Lina, S.T., M.Kom., Ph.D. from the Faculty of Information Technology (FTI) and Prof. Dr. Ignatius Roni Setyawan, S.E., M.Si. from FEB.
Rector of Untar expressed his hope that the newly inaugurated professors can continue to produce various works and contribute to society. He also emphasized the importance of the professors in supporting other lecturers to achieve the academic position of professor.
Brief History of Education and Career
Born in Sukoharjo on December 1, 1962, he took his undergraduate education at the Faculty of Economics, Gadjah Mada University, followed by Master of Management at IMNI College of Economics and M.B.A. at Newport International University. He earned two doctoral degrees from the Indonesian Institute of Business and Informatics (IBII) and Hasanuddin University.
Currently serving as Dean of FEB Untar, he also pursues a profession as a journalist and researcher. His research experience was gained when he became a Junior Researcher at the Center for Policy Studies (CPS), continued as an investment analyst at Erdika Securities, until now he is a GTZ Expert Pool, and CEO of ECBIS Rescons (Economic-Business Research & Consulting Service). He has written 25 best-selling books and thousands of articles in various media. (KJ/AW/KJ)
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