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Lecturers and Students of Untar Produce Products Ready to Enter the Global Market

4 March 2024

Oleh: Admin

The Interior Design Study Program of Untar’s Faculty of Arts and Design (Prodi DI FSRD) participated in the International Furniture Expo (IFEX) 2024 at JIEXPO Kemayoran, Jakarta, from February 29 to March 4, 2024.

This year, there are 30 lecturers’ research works that are the focus of the exhibition, in addition to student works.

Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., ASEAN Eng. while attending the event said the latest works with a variety of models, shapes, designs, and also coloring are a pride for Untar.

According to him, it proves that Untar lecturers and students can produce products that are ready to enter the global market.

In particular, the Rector appreciated the work produced and hoped that the products produced could be welcomed enthusiastically by consumers.

FSRD lecturer Dr. Drs. Eddy Supriyatna Marizar, M.Hum. revealed that Untar’s works have been looked at by international furniture markets, such as Europe and America.

He added that the target market this time was India as a newly developing international furniture market.

Therefore, the works presented used the concept based on Indian culture that uses many colors.

“We are also supported by the Indian ambassador,” Eddy concluded.

On the other hand, Head of DI Untar Maitri Widya Mutiara, S.Ds., M.M. revealed that Untar’s participation was an implementation of the triple helix synergy between the government, DUDI, and the world of education.

“DI Untar will commit to produce new design works from Indonesia for the world,” she said.

Untar’s DI Study Program has participated in this international exhibition since 2012. Every year, the works of students and lecturers are displayed to introduce Untar products to domestic and foreign public. (AW/KJ)

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