Faculty of Engineering (FT) Untar once again held an open session of the Civil Engineering Doctoral Study Program. Ony Frengky Rumihin successfully earned his doctoral degree with a very satisfying predicate on Tuesday (19/12) at the auditorium of the Untar campus.
Ony successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Water Management of Small Outer Islands as an Impact of LNG Mine Exploration”.
His dissertation began with the limited water resources during the dry season in the Smallest Islands or Certain National Strategic Areas (KSNT). This can cause conflicts between sectors that compete for water use, such as agriculture, industry, settlements, and the environment.
Ony concluded that the Rumihin Pramoto Makarim (RPM) model innovation can overcome the condition of water supply shortages in the Smallest Islands until 2060.
He said his research was a form of support and collaboration as an academic to realize equity in the field of planning and development in the Smallest Islands.
“Hopefully this research can be implemented with stakeholders or related parties,” said Ony.
The main promoter Prof. Ir. Chaidir Anwar Makarin, MSE, Ph.D. specifically appreciated Dr. Ony’s dissertation. According to him, Ony’s dissertation is a proud thing considering the lack of fresh water sources in the Smallest Islands.
The session was chaired by the Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan M.T., M.M., I.PU., A.E. and as the examiner Dr. Techn. Umboro Lasminto, S.T., M.Sc, Dr. Ir. Hendrik Sulistio, M.T., IPM, Harto Tanujaya S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Meanwhile, as promoter Dr. Ir. Wati A. Pranoto, M.T. and Prof. Ir. Chaidir Anwar Makarin, MSE, Ph.D.
Dr. Ony Frengky Rumihin graduated with a very satisfying predicate, making him the 74th doctoral graduate of Civil Engineering Science Doctoral Program of FT Untar. (ZR/AW/KJ)