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Students Can Play a Role in Fighting the Four Sins of Education

27 November 2023

Oleh: Admin Pusat

The Humanities Festival themed “Raising the Awareness of the Young Generation towards the Four Sins of Education as a Form of State Defense” was held at the Auditorium of Untar Campus I, Monday (27/11).

The speakers were Head of Subbagsumda Bareskrim Polri Setpusinafis AKBP Dr. Rita Wulandari Wibowo, S.I.K., M.H., Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P,U., A.E., and Vice Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Rasji, S.H., M.H..

Head of the Learning Institute Dr. Ir. Henny Wiyanto, M.T. said that the Humanities Festival is a routine event every semester. The activity is part of the Humanities course, based on the Outcome Based Education system and Project-Based Learning strategy.

Students are required to produce outcomes in the form of scientific articles, posters, and videos in the Humanities course. Students who have excellent outcomes are awarded in the Humanities Festival.

Vice Rector of Untar (center) with students who received awards

The Rector in his speech emphasized the importance of students giving their best for Nusa and the Nation. The Rector hopes that students can contribute to society by applying the knowledge they have gained.

“Students who work are expected to be Untar ambassadors by spreading positive things,” said the Rector.

Dr. Rita in her presentation highlighted the important role of students as role models and agents of change. One of the expected outputs is involvement in student activities as a positive step to protect the younger generation from negative impacts.

According to Dr. Rita, there are four educational sins that need to be avoided, namely bullying, sexual violence, intolerance, and corruption. She said students can play a role as agents of change by providing information and reporting the four educational sins that occur, as well as providing support for victims.

Dr. Rita further emphasized the need for integrated handling involving various parties in the task force for handling and preventing acts of sexual violence.

In particular, Dr. Rita invited students to understand diversity as a step to prevent intolerance. Students are also expected to carry out anti-corruption actions through social campaigns, seminars, films, cultural festivals, and workshops.

On the other hand, the Rector discussed the role of the younger generation in carrying out service to the profession after they graduate in order to avoid the four sins of education. From the legal side, the Vice Rector discussed the study of the legal basis in avoiding educational sins by fostering awareness of state defense.

Also attended the event were heads of institutions, deans, and hundreds of students. (SC/AW)


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