Untar hosted the 2023 Indonesian Student Research Olympics (OPSI). The opening of OPSI 2023 was attended by the Head of National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Dr. Maria Veronica Irene Herdjiono, M.Si., M.T. and Head of Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI) Kemendikbudristek, Asep Sukmayadi, S.I.P., M.Si. at the Auditorium of Campus 1 Untar, Tuesday (7/11).
OPSI is a national competition organized by Puspresnas in order to build Indonesian students with creative and innovative characters. This Olympiad focuses on scientific character that is grown through competition activities in order to develop students’ freedom of thought to continue researching.
Head of BBPTI Asep Sukmayadi, S.I.P., M.Si. in his report said that the participants present were finalists who had gone through a very rigorous proposal selection and research paper selection.
“We thank Universitas Tarumanagara who this year has helped and fully supported OPSI, so that the finalists’ works can be exhibited and can be seen by the Untar academic community, junior / senior high school students in DKI Jakarta, and the general public,” Asep added.
Meanwhile, the Head of Puspresnas Dr. Maria Veronica Irene Herdjiono, M.Si., M.T. hopes that this activity can prepare the golden generation candidates who will lead Indonesia to be more advanced than now.
In particular, Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., A.E. expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Culture and Puspresnas for trusting Untar to be the venue for OPSI 2023.

Participants from Papua wearing regional clothes, explaining their work to the visitors.
OPSI participants this year reached 6,643 works. Junior high school amounted to 1,809 works, while for high school amounted to 4,424 works. Of that number, only 200 best manuscripts or finalists were selected, consisting of 187 participants at the junior high school / MTs level and 189 participants at the high school / MA level. (DP/YS/AW)
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