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Untar Students as 2023 SEA Games Winners Invited by RRI

20 June 2023

Oleh: Admin Pusat

Business Management student of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Untar Oliver Budi Wangge was invited by Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) to be a guest speaker in the “Sore Ceria Squad” program broadcast live on 105 FM RRI PRO 2 Jakarta, Tuesday (20/6).

Oliver revealed that his achievements were driven by the support from FEB and Untar. He admitted that lectures at Untar taught him to prioritize integrity by being honest and maintaining sportsmanship.

“I implemented the integrity value from Untar during my national and international competitions,” said Oliver.

In addition, the values he learned at Untar are implemented in cooperation between team members, respect for diversity in the country he lives in, and quality performance during national and international competitions.

He advised his colleagues at Untar to always believe in their abilities and potential.

“Don’t let fear stop you from trying and giving your best,” he concluded.

Oliver is a member of the Bigetron E-Sports team and the Indonesian Valorant national team who won a gold medal at the 2023 Cambodia SEA Games for the Valorant E-Sport last May.

Last June, the Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., A.E. awarded Oliver a scholarship in the form of tuition fee waiver in the upcoming semester.

Previously, Budi successfully won the Red Bull Campus Clutch 2022 held in Sao Paulo, Brazil as a representative of Untar and Indonesia. (VW/AW)

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