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Rector of Untar Encourages UHN Excellent Accreditation

19 June 2023

Oleh: Admin Pusat

Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., ASEAN Eng. became a guest speaker at the event “Sharing Knowledge and Experience to Improve the Quality of Higher Education, Study Program Accreditation, and Excellent Universities, as well as Realizing International Study Program Accreditation”. The event was held at HKBP Nommensen University (UHN), Medan, Monday (19/6).

In the event, the Rector shared his story in bringing Untar to become an excellent accredited university.

According to him, the first step is to create achievements among students and lecturers. One form of Untar’s support in this case is to provide adequate facilities, a good learning system, and quality assurance or publication.

He said, universities that want to achieve Excellent accreditation need to have an identity, guiding values, vision and mission, HR services, collaboration with other universities, and read the guidelines provided by BAN-PT.

“I hope that the next time I am here, UHN has become a superior university,” concluded the Rector.

Rector of UHN Dr. Richard A. M. Napitupulu, S.T., M.T. especially expressed his appreciation for the lesson given by the Rector. Dr. Richard hoped that UHN could soon follow Untar’s footsteps in becoming an Excellent accredited university. (DW/AW)


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