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Implementation of Cooperation, Untar Develops Labuan Bajo’s Natural Potential

7 June 2023

Oleh: Admin Pusat

As a super-priority tourist destination, Labuan Bajo has enormous natural and cultural potential. West Manggarai Regent Edistasius Endi considers that there are many sectors that need to be improved, one of which is the cultivation of natural resources (SDA) which is important for the progress of the community’s economy.

“This year we will realize an arboretum center in the Batu Cermin area by planting 28 thousand species of bamboo, one of the products that has been produced is a bamboo bicycle that was given to the ASEAN Summit guests yesterday,” said Edistasius.

Aware of the abundant natural potential, Edistasius also expressed his aspiration that West Manggarai can produce lemongrass oil, which is still rare, even though lemongrass plants are very easy to grow there. “We hope that the collaboration with Untar can realize the goal of developing lemongrass plants and then producing lemongrass oil, which will certainly have many benefits,” he concluded.

The invitation of the Regent of West Manggarai and Vice Regent of West Manggarai, Dr. Yulianus Weng, M. was welcomed by the Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., IPU, AE during a visit to the Office of the Regent of West Manggarai, Wednesday (7/6).

The visit of the Rector of Untar this time was in order to implement the cooperation between Untar and West Manggarai Regency which has been going on since last year. Rector said that the team of Research and Community Service Institute of Untar was divided into several teams in the implementation of a series of socialization activities to several educational institutions (Politeknik eLBajo Commodus, SMAK ST. Ignatius Loyola, SMKN 1 Labuan Bajo, SD, SMP and SMA Lentera Harapan, Labuan Bajo, SDK Wae Medu Labuan Bajo), MSMEs, surveys for the manufacture of candlenut dryers, and the development of tourist facilities in Labuan Bajo.

Rector said that there are many fields that can be collaborated between Untar and West Manggarai Regency (Labuan Bajo). “In addition to improving the quality of human resources, we can also jointly develop the region. This can be realized through the research produced and expertise owned by Untar,” he explained.

During this visit, the Rector was accompanied by the Head of Public Relations Office Dra. Paula Tjatoerwidya Anggarina, M.M., LPPM Publication Manager Dr. Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari, and LPPM Innovation Manager Mei Ie, S.E., M.M. (JS/YS/AW)

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