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Reducing the Impact of Social Conflict on Infrastructure Projects

30 May 2023

Oleh: Admin Pusat

The open session of Civil Engineering Doctoral Study Program of Faculty of Engineering (FT) Untar declared Heru Bayuaji Sanggoro officially holds a doctoral degree with honors or cumlaude, Tuesday (30/5) at the Untar Auditorium.

Heru successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Project Social Conflict Impact Prediction Model with Environmental and Social Management Framework Approach in Infrastructure Projects”.

The session was chaired by the Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., ASEAN Eng. as the internal examiner, with the board of examiners Dr. Ir. Najid M.T., Dr. Ir. Onnyxiforus Gondokusumo, M. Eng., and Prof. Ir. Rizal Z. Tamin, M.Sc., Ph.D. Acting as the main promoter Prof. Ir. Sofia W. Alisjahbana, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Co-promoter Ir. H. Dadang M. Ma’soem, MSCE, Ph.D.

In his presentation, Heru conveyed that the diversity of Indonesian society urges the need for a strategy for handling and controlling social conflicts in projects with a humanist approach.

He said that social conflict control in accordance with social and cultural environmental conditions can help formulate the concept of good synergy between construction management and conflict management, in an effort to eliminate the burden of project social costs due to conflict.

The dissertation results prove that environmental and social frameworks have a significant effect in reducing the potential impact of project social conflicts.

From this research, Heru has produced a number of international scientific publications indexed by Scopus in the International Journal of Engineering.

On the occasion, the main promoter Prof. Ir. Sofia W. Alisjahbana, M.Sc., Ph.D. expressed her hope that the research can be applied and beneficial for institutions and the people of Indonesia.

Heru Bayuaji Sanggoro became the 69th graduate of Civil Engineering Science Doctoral Program of FT Untar. (VW/YS/AW)

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