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Brigjen TNI Reveals the Importance of Narrative in Communication

17 May 2023

Oleh: Admin Pusat

Faculty of Communication Science (Fikom) Untar held a Student Seminar on Communication, Industry, and Society (SMKIM), Wednesday (17/5) at Campus 1 Untar.

As the guest speaker, Director of the Army Training Command Brigadier General Agustinus Purboyo and as the moderator of Fikom Untar lecturer Dr. Muhammad Adi Pribadi, S.E., M.I.B., M.Comm.

In his presentation, Agustinus explained the importance of an organization building a narrative in communicating in the current industrial and globalization era. Narratives can build public support for plans to be implemented to obtain the necessary resources and support.

According to Agustinus, a strategic narrative can create a strong character. This can then be used for persuasive communication.

Agustinus believes that the narrative must be in line with reality. False narratives can damage the reputation of an organization or country that uses them.

“Narratives are very important in this era. Even a country needs a narrative to improve its reputation,” Agustinus said.

SMKIM is a forum for academics and practitioners to meet. It is hoped that through this activity, Fikom Untar students can gain new insights and knowledge that are useful. (DW/AW)

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