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Untar Best in MBKM Implementation, Commemorates Bulan Merdeka Kemendikbudristek

14 May 2023

Oleh: Admin Pusat

Untar managed to be the best Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) program in LLDikti Region III DKI Jakarta for two consecutive years.

That was stated by the Head of Higher Education Service Institute Region III (LLDikti III) Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, M.P. in Walk for Health activity held by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), Sunday (14/5) in Jakarta.

The event was held to commemorate Independent Learning Month in accordance with National Education Day (Hardiknas) 2023.

According to her, Untar with its system, considered the most prepared in implementing MBKM programs, as Untar is adaptive in making MBKM regulations for lecturers, students, and operators, in order to make MBKM implemented smoothly.

“If one wants to learn MBKM, please come to LLDikti III and Untar,” said Paris.

In this event, a student of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Study Program, was asked to give a testimony, and stated that the synergy between lecturers and students of Untar has been well for MBKM program implementation.

As a participant of Certified Internship and Independent Study (MSIB) program organized by Kemendikbudristek, Joachim admitted that the process of Semester Credits (SKS) conversion at Untar is not difficult, and the lecturers have been very supportive.

“My fellow friends, you have to participate in MBKM program, as it is very interesting and beneficial for your future,” added Joachim that carried out MSIB at Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, whom then recruited as an employee.

Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., IPU, ASEAN Eng. stated his appreciation to the Head of LLDikti III whom has given Untar appreciation for the implementation of MBKM.

“We continue to improve the performance of MBKM and achievement of Higher Education Primary Performance Indicators (IKU) as a form of public accountability, whom has given Untar their trusts. We will continue to give the best for the whole Academic Community and Untar partners, domestic and abroad, in order to make Untar’s contribution felt by the society, in accordance to our tagline: Untar untuk (for) Indonesia,” said Prof. Agustinus.

The Walk for Health activity was participated by 1.510 participants of units under Kemendikbudristek, which are higher education students, lecturers, educational staffs, students, and teachers from across Indonesia. (DN/YS/PA/AW)


Read More on External Media
Bulan Merdeka Kemendikbudristek, Untar Terbaik dalam Implementasi MBKM

Jakarta Review
Untar Best in MBKM Implementation, Commemorates Bulan Merdeka Kemendikbudristek
Untar Kembali Raih Predikat Implementator Terbaik

El John News
Kepala LLDikti III: Untar Terbaik Dalam Implementasi Program MBKM

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