Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) program is in line with Integrity, Professionalism, and Entrepreneurship values held by Untar. Before MBKM program implemented, Untar has implemented mix of class and field learning, including credit conversion for students with nonacademic achievements which recognized in certain subjects. Added with other activities, Untar is considered as one of universities successful in implementing MBKM.
That was the statement of Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., IPU, AE as a speaker in the talk show titled “Buiding Higher Education Ecosystem in Order to Improve Nation’s Quality and Excellence”, Thursday (30/3) at Untar Main Building Auditorium.
This talk show is a part of event held by Private University Organizing Board Association (ABPPTSI), in inaugurating 2022-2026 committee.
Rector of Untar admitted that MBKM implementation is better not to rely only on government program, due to the limitations in opportunity. Universities have to implement MBKM independently to find more opportunities. Aside of that, certainly by involving lecturers and students in several activities such as research and community engagement.
“In summary, higher education needs to be trusted for what they do, in accordance with quality assurance expected by the institution,” said Rector.
On this occasion, inauguration of ABPPTSI committee for 2022-2026 period by Chairman of Honorary Board ABPPTSI Jenderal TNI (Purn.) Dr. H. Wiranto, S.H., S.I.P., M.M. which serves also as the Head of Presidential Advisory Council.
Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Nadiem A. Makarim in his speech said the potential and role of private universities in transforming educational system in Indonesia. If more than 3.000 private universities in Indonesia implement Independent Campus program, this nation is assured to advance, with excellent human resources spread across Sabang to Merauke.
Also attended this event Acting Director General of Ristekdikti Kemendikbudristek RI Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D., IPU, AE, Head of ABPPTSI Prof. Dr. Thomas Suyatno, and Chairman of Tarumanagara Foundation Dr. Ariawan Gunardi, S.H., M.H. (DW/YS/AW)
Read More on External Media
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