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Untar Maintains 2023 Kemendikbudristek Independent Cluster

10 March 2023

Oleh: Admin Pusat


Untar managed to maintain its existence in the field of Research and Community Engagement by becoming a university with the highest cluster, the Independent cluster, for Research and Community Engagement performance for year 2023, given by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), after obtaining the same cluster predicate a few years prior.

This achievement is officially stated in Director of Research, Technology, and Community Engagement Decree No. 0241/E5/DT.06.01/2023 dated 28 February 2023 regarding Higher Education Cluster Establishment based on Research and Community Engagement Performance.

Higher education clusterization is made as a method to identify and evaluate performance, and to group universities in order to accelerate universities’ performance through collaboration schemes that unify and synergize potentials of inter-cluster universities in increasing research and community engagement quality.
Clusterization is divided in four levels: Independent, Prime, Intermediate, and Primary

The result puts Untar as one of two private universities under Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) Region III and top ten private universities in Indonesia to receive the Independent Cluster.

Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan., M.T., M.M., IPU, AE said that this achievement shows Untar performance as one of the best and trusted universities.

“Being in the Independent Cluster shows that Untar is one of the best private universities in the nation. This achievement is possible through lecturers and students performance, that produced quality works and collaboration between national and international universities.

Performance is assessed by data that have been verified and validated by the verificators of university’s Research and Community Engagement Institute. Data include author, affiliation, journal, research, community engagement, intellectual property rights, and book.

Higher Education 2023 Clusterization is based on assessment of
SINTA-based performance from 2019 to 2021.

From the announcement made by Kemendikbudristek, there are 880 universities in Indonesia managed to enter the clusterization with four levels: Independent, Prime, Intermediate, and Primary. In independent cluster, there are 40 private and national universities, including Untar.

“We will always improve our quality and quantity in research and community engagement through various internal and external outcome-based grant scheme, facilitating lecturers and students in research and publications by building better collaboration with lecturers, students, and all Untar partners, national and international,” closed Rector Prof. Agustinus. (YS/AW)


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