Master of Management (MM) Study Program, Postbaccalaureate Program Untar held 2023/2024 Odd Semster Judicium, and was opened by Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., IPU, AE, Satudrday (25/2) at Untar Campus I.
36 students from Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, and Financial Management concentrations officially conferred as graduates in this Judicium.
Rector during the opening expects alumni to produce the best work for the society, as a professional or an entrepreneur. According to Rector, alumni have a significant role in the improvement of institutional reputation.
“We hope alumni who officially graduated today will always create positive works for the benefit of the society, which then will improve Untar’s reputation in the society,” said Prof. Agustinus who also serves as the Director of Postbaccalaureate Program.
Rector also reminds alumni to maintain networking and collaborate with each other for mutual success.
In the same occasion, Head of MM Study Program Dr. Keni, M.M. read the graduation report and appreciates the alumni for the hard work during their studies.
“I believe you will be able to preserve almamater’s reputation wherever you serve, and always hold on to IPE values,” Dr. Keni continued.
Participants of Judicium then given the Graduation Letter by Dr. Keni, proceeded with Graduate Training Seminar titled “The Whole Mind Leadership” by a lecturer of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Ir. Suhartono Chandra, M.M, CODP.
The event was also festived with a singing performance from one of the best graduates, Sahlan Suganda, M.M., who performed “You Raise Me Up” and “Bunga Terakhir”.
Also attended the event lecturer of FEB Dr. Cokki, S.E., M.M. and Head of Doctor of Management Science (DIM) Study Program Prof. Dr. Haris Maupa, S.E., M.Si. that introduced DIM program and the process for students to continue their studies. (AW/YS/AW)