Director of Institutes Ditjen Diktiristek, Kemendikbudristek Dr. Lukman, S.T., M.Hum. attended as a speaker in the seminar titled “Actualizing Academic Health System to Become a Leading Faculty of Medicine in Southeast Asia”, Monday (10/10) at 5th floor Auditorium J Building Untar Campus.
This seminar was held in order to commemorate the 57th Dies Natalis of the Faculty of Medicine Untar. Aside of that, this seminar is a form of commitment of the Faculty of Medicine Untar to become Excellent in Asia for Indonesia, especially in Academic Health System, to solve health resources problems in Indonesia.
“This seminar is aimed to improve medical system in Indonesia. The Faculty of Medicine Untar will always support government programs in order to improve medical and specialist doctors education, and this is an opportunity Untar has been waiting for,” said Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Untar Dr. dr. Noer Saelan Tadjudin, Sp.KJ. in his welcoming speech.
Meanwhile, Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., A.E. stated his view on the importance of specialist doctors able to contribute for Indonesia, and that the Faculty of Medicine Untar will always strive to contribute by producing specialist doctors.
In the same occassion, Chairman of Tarumanagara Foundation Dr. Ariawan Gunadi, S.H., M.H., once again emphasized the commitment of Tarumanagara Foundation to always support in full innovation, particularly in producing more medical specialists.
This seminar was attended by lecturers, students, and invitees. Lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine Untar dr. Shirly Gunawan, Sp.FK. acted as the moderator of this seminar. -SS/YS-