Rector of Untar, Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., A.E., attended Hearings Meeting regarding private universities condition with the Indonesian House of Representative (DPR RI) Commission X, Tuesday (20/9) at Nusantara I Building, Senayan, Jakarta.
Rector of Untar attended along the Head of Indonesian Private University Association (APTISI) Dr. Ir. H. M Budi Djatmiko, M.Si. and Rectors of Private Universities members of Aptisi.
In the said meeting, it was mentioned that the condition of private universities in Indonesia relatively concerning. In the past seven years, there was a decrease in new student admission due to economic conditions and Covid-19 in Indonesia.
Budi said that private universities and the government, along with every stakeholder need to adapt to the development of digital era, which disrupts every line of business and work. Therefore, the attention to the quality of education must be improved.
Aside of that, Aptisi gave notes to The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) regarding National Education System Draft Bill (RUU Sisdiknas). Some of them are the integration of Sisdiknas Bill, Teacher and Lecturer Bill, and Higher Education bill.
Head of Aptisi asked Kemendikbudristek to invite educational stakeholders more to discuss on Sisdiknas Draft Bill. -SC/YS-