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Rank Influences Responsibility and Social Impact

25 August 2022

Oleh: Admin Pusat


Responsibility from a position grows from the spirit, and becomes a part of someone’s self. Given rank or position has certain responsibility and social impact that follow.

Sometimes, responsibility is hard to be done due to two factors. First is internal factor, which is “self control” or often called as awareness, that means everything managed rationally based on value in one’s self. Second is external factor, which is “culture”, that means a good value in one’s self but not from the surrounding environment. This condition makes it hard to adapt.

This statement was stated by Untar Lecturer and Psychologist Dr. Rostiana, M.Si., Psi. as the speaker in Lintas Jakarta Sore RRI program themed “Rank is a Duty.” The event was live streamed through RRI Channel, Thursday (25/8).

She said that responsibility is hard to do and sometimes there are problems and implications in executing it. The cause is the imbalance between the two factors, and often negatively impacts the society.

Dr. Rostiana, M.Si., Psi. added that the fastest solution for Millenials and Gen Z when starting their career is by doing “healing and staycation.” Aside of that, they need to know the real purpose in their work.

“Therefore, to face it, some one has to know the real purpose of work is calling, keep performing positive activities, and train oneself to has an integrity,” she said. (ed.YS) -SS-


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