15 Mar 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FH
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Tarumanagara mengadakan kegiatan Diskusi Ilmiah pada: Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 15 Maret 2016, Pukul : 15:00-16:30 WIB Tempat : Gedung M Lantai 2 Ruang 209 ( Ruang Seminar) dengan Tema :” The Politics of Constitutionalizing Religion in Malaysia...
13 Mar 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FH
An internal audit was held on 24th – 26th February 2016 in the faculty of Law at Tarumanagara University. An internal audit was one of the qualifications which must be fulfilled as an evaluation of the institution. The internal audit means to assess the suitable...
13 Mar 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FH
On 14th September 2015, Dr. Amad Sudiro, S.H., M.H., M.M. (the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Tarumanagara University) opened the General Discussion with the speaker, H.M. Anas Effendi, S.H., M.M. (the Mayor or West Jakarta), with the theme “Regional Autonomy...
09 Feb 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FH
Sehubungan akan dimulainya perkuliahan semester genap 2015/2016 pada tanggal 9 Februari 2016, untuk itu sebelumnya perlu ada rapat dosen untuk evaluasi perkuliahan semester sebelumnya dan penyampaian rencana kegiatan semester yang akan datang. Rapat dosen dilaksanakan...
15 Jan 2016 | Berita Fakultas, FH
Delegasi FH UNTAR berhasil meraih 5 piala di kompetisi hukum paling bergengsi di Indonesia, NATIONAL MOOT COURT COMPETITION (Kompetisi Peradilan Semu Tingkat Nasional Piala Mahkamah Agung XIX 2016) 15-18 Januari 2016 yang diadakan oleh ALSA INDONESIA, di Universitas...
26 Mar 2015 | Berita Fakultas, FH
Speaking of international moot court competitions that has been organized, one of them is as famous as the oldest competition and has the highest prestige among international moot court competitions others. The competition are Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court...