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Collaboration to Produce Beneficial Research for the Society

Collaboration to Produce Beneficial Research for the Society

Untar held National Seminar on Computer and Telecommunication Technology (SNTKT) XI 2023 and National Seminar on Machinery and Industry (SNMI) XI 2023 with the theme "Multidisciplinary Research to Support National Industrial Development in Industry 4.0 Era and...

Rector of Untar Affirms Commitment to Build an Excellent Institution

Rector of Untar Affirms Commitment to Build an Excellent Institution

Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., A.E. gave a briefing regarding the journey and future vision of the university to lecturers and employees of Untar at Campus 1 Untar, Wednesday (4/10). The event was held in commemoration of Untar's 64th...