FSRD Untar Introduces the World of International Interior Industry to Students
The Interior Design Study Program (DI Study Program) of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design (FSRD) Untar in collaboration with IKEA held the 19th IDETALK (Interior Design Talk) talk show, Thursday (5/10) at Building K Campus 1 Untar. Themed "Plan a Better Kitchen with...
Collaboration to Produce Beneficial Research for the Society
Untar held National Seminar on Computer and Telecommunication Technology (SNTKT) XI 2023 and National Seminar on Machinery and Industry (SNMI) XI 2023 with the theme "Multidisciplinary Research to Support National Industrial Development in Industry 4.0 Era and...
Rector of Untar Affirms Commitment to Build an Excellent Institution
Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., A.E. gave a briefing regarding the journey and future vision of the university to lecturers and employees of Untar at Campus 1 Untar, Wednesday (4/10). The event was held in commemoration of Untar's 64th...
Supporting Golden Indonesia 2045, Untar Actively Prepares Excellent Human Resources
For 64 years, Untar always strives to maintain its quality and values in order to maintain its existence in the eyes of the public, especially in choosing study sites and cooperation partners. This was conveyed by the Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna...
Engine Cutting from PT AHM Supports the Learning of Mechanical Engineering Study Program
Untar received engine cutting from PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) as a means of supporting the learning of students of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Study Program Untar. The handover process was carried out by PT AHM Corporate Communication Ria Prasetyo to the Rector...
Commemoration of 64th Anniversary, Rector Appreciates Untar Academic Community
Untar's leadership meeting on Monday (2/10) at Untar auditorium also acts as a commemoration of Untar's 64th Anniversary. The meeting which was attended by leaders of Untar and led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., A.E. was filled with...