Doc: Humas Untar – VA
Universitas Tarumanagara (Untar) has shown a strong commitment to enhancing graduate competencies through the establishment of a Professional Certification Institute (LSP). This program is one of the flagship initiatives of Untar’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Amad Sudiro, S.H., M.H., M.Kn., M.M., to ensure that every graduate holds a certification recognized according to national standards.
This aligns with the view of the Commissioner of the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), Prof. Dr. Amilin, S.E., S.H., M.Si., Ak., CA., QIA, BKP, CRMP. In his direction, Prof. Amilin explained that competency certification is a systematic and objective process to ensure that an individual possesses the skills required to meet specific work standards.
The presentation of an appreciation plaque from the Tarumanagara Foundation and Untar to Prof. Amilin.
“Competency certification is carried out through competency tests conducted by BNSP-licensed certification bodies. With the establishment of LSP at Untar, graduates will be certified according to their professional fields. This not only provides significant benefits for the graduates but also enhances the reputation of the university and its faculty,” said Prof. Amilin during the introduction of LSP at Untar Campus I, on Wednesday (08/01/2025).
The Rector of Untar’s Hope
The Rector of Untar, Prof. Amad Sudiro, in his speech, expressed high hopes for the establishment of this LSP.
“I hope that this LSP can be established soon. One important step is bringing in Prof. Amilin, who has extensive experience in managing LSPs. However, the success of this program requires full support from all faculties at Untar,” said Prof. Amad.
Signing of the Commitment for the Untar Professional Certification Institute Program by the Deans // Doc: Humas Untar – CS
Support from the Tarumanagara Foundation
The event was also attended by the Chairperson of the Tarumanagara Foundation, Prof. Dr. Ariawan Gunadi, S.H., M.H., the Vice Rector of Untar, Sri Tiatri, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D., Psychologist, as well as the Deans from all faculties at Untar. On this occasion, Dr. Ariawan emphasized the foundation’s support for this program.
“This activity is a priority program of Prof. Amad. The foundation will fully support its implementation, especially with the collaboration with BNSP,” said Prof. Ariawan.
The establishment of LSP at Untar is expected to be a strategic step in making Untar an outstanding university, producing graduates who are not only competent but also ready to compete in the global job market. (VA/AJ/YS/VC)