Doc: Humas Untar – WA
Untar Career and the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Untar invited Astra Insurance to hold a guest lecture at the Seminar Room on the 3rd Floor of Building A, Campus II Untar, on Wednesday (13/11/2024). The guest lecture featured the theme “Navigating Change: A Strategy to Nurture Resilience & Adaptability as Ingredients,” with the main speaker being Christopher Pangestu, the President Director of Astra Insurance.

Christopher Pangestu delivering the presentation // Source: Untar Public Relations – WA
On this occasion, Christopher Pangestu, who is also an alumni of FEB Untar, explained the strategies and tips the company has employed to maintain its reputation to this day. The event also included a discussion session with the participants, moderated by the Head of Untar’s Public Relations Office, Dr. Dra. Paula T. Anggarina, M.M. The Dean of FEB, Prof. Dr. Sawidji Widoatmodjo, S.E., M.M., M.B.A., expressed his appreciation for the collaboration between Untar Career and the Management Study Program in organizing this event. He also conveyed his pride in having the speaker as an Untar alumnus and encouraged students to emulate him. This seminar is expected to serve as a learning platform and an opportunity for students to explore careers in the insurance industry, particularly in investment, which offers broad prospects. In addition to the seminar, recruitment and internship opportunities were provided by Astra Insurance, known for its solid governance and excellent development opportunities.