Doc: Untar PR – VH
Undergraduate Business Management Study Program of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Tarumanagara (Untar) held a workshop on column writing for online media publication. The workshop was delivered by Dr. Frangky Selamat, S.E., M.M., and took place at Campus II Untar on Friday (20/9/2024).
Frangky, who is also the Head of the Bachelor of Business Management Study Program, explained that writing workshops are very important, especially in FEB, to support students’ interest and talent in writing.
He added that interest in writing can increase the level of literacy in the university environment, as well as build critical thinking in conveying arguments and opinions through writing.
In the workshop session, he shared his experience in writing for Untar for Indonesia and Kompas media, and gave tips on how to become a column writer in online media.
“Writing is one way to express ideas and thoughts in written form. Students must be able to argue and convey it systematically. That is what distinguishes educated people,” he said.
Through this workshop, students are expected to hone their writing skills and critical thinking. The writing workshop series will continue with various types of writing, including a journal writing workshop that is planned to be held in November. (VH/YS/KJ)