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FK Untar Ready to Answer the Challenges of the Times

15 May 2024

Oleh: Admin

Doc: Untar PR – AW

The lack of doctors in Indonesia, especially in remote areas, is a challenge today. Health technology is developing, but there are still tens of thousands of doctors in Indonesia, both general practitioners and specialists.

Therefore, the Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., ASEAN Eng. hopes that Untar through the Faculty of Medicine (FK) can answer the challenges of the times, by producing the best doctor graduates.

The presence of new doctors is expected to fill the shortage of doctors in Indonesia and provide services with humanism.

“Bring Untar’s IPE values with humanism, so that when you meet the new doctors, the patients will feel happy,” said the Rector during the Inauguration of the 41st New Doctors and 84th Graduation Ceremony of FK Untar at Campus I Untar, Wednesday (15/5).

Procession of new doctor inauguration // Doc: Untar PR – AW

Meanwhile, Chairperson of the Indonesian Medical Association of West Jakarta, Dr. Cecilia R. Padang, Ph.D., FACR also hoped that the new doctors would be willing to serve the community in remote areas.

Through the academic report delivered by the Dean of FK Untar Dr. dr. Noer Saelan Tadjudin, Sp.KJ, 18 new doctors were inaugurated, consisting of nine women and nine men. All 18 graduates were categorized as highly satisfactory. Until now, the total graduates of FK Untar have reached 4,935 doctors.

Representing the new doctors, Dr. Wahyu Eka Shaputri expressed her gratitude to all doctors and teaching staff of FK Untar who have given extraordinary knowledge, as well as parents who have sacrificed many things for the graduates. (DN/AW/KJ)

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