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DKV Untar Holds Creative Boulevard, Train Student Entrepreneurial Skills

13 May 2024

Oleh: Admin

Doc: Untar PR

Visual Communication Design Study Program (DKV Study Program) of Faculty of Fine Arts and Design (FSRD) Untar held Creative Boulevard (Crebo) at Campus I Untar. The event was opened by Head of DKV Study Program Ruby Chrissandy, S.Sn., M.Ds. on Monday (13/5).

This event is an art market activity that becomes a forum for active students and alumni of DKV Untar to display their work. In addition to student and alumni works, there were also interactive activities on stage.

Ruby said that the Crebo activity was intended to hone, market, and showcase the creative work of DKV Untar students with entrepreneurial value.

“Crebo is also one of the activities that support our vision and mission, namely entrepreneurship, which serves to hone the entrepreneurial spirit of students and alumni,” Ruby continued.

Agreeing with Ruby, Event Coordinator Amelia Natassya admitted that this event helped hone entrepreneurial skills for herself and her friends.

“We can also apply the knowledge of design business that we have received in lectures,” said the DKV student.

The event, which was attended by hundreds of students, was held for a week and will be closed on Friday (17/5). (YI/AW/KJ)

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