Untar received a visit from Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences Germany at Untar Campus I, Monday (28/11). The visit was conducted in order to explore the potential for further cooperation.
Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., ASEAN Eng. hoped that Untar and Heilbronn University can cooperate more, especially in the field of student exchange. Currently, student exchange is only conducted in Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). Hopefully, other faculties can participate in this activity.
International Representative of the Faculty of Technology and Economics, Business administration, marketing and media management Heilbronn University Prof. Dr. Simona Gentile-Lüdecke welcomed the Rector’s invitation.
Simona said that Heilbronn University considers Untar as its strategic partner. As the only partner in Indonesia, Simona hopes that both universities can cooperate in other fields, such as joint research and conferences.
In addition, Simona also opened opportunities for Untar students to study at Heilbronn University for one semester.
Also attending the visit were Untar Public Relations Dra. Paula T. Anggarina, M.M., Head of Office of Cooperation and International Relations Dr. Hugeng, S.T., M.T., Dean of FEB Dr. Sawidji Widoatmodjo, S.E., M.M., M.B.A., heads of institutions, heads of offices, and deans. (YI/AW)