Untar Public Relations Team visited Rumah Piatu Muslimin Orphanage, Jakarta, Thursday (9/11). This visit was conducted in order to provide hoax education as well as donation.
This community service activity (PKM) is a continuation of the “Nagara’s Halloween Bash” program which was held at the end of November at Campus 1 Untar.
Nagara’s Halloween Bash is a program held in order to welcome Halloween. For three days, this activity became a forum for the academic community to donate snacks for the children of the Muslimin Orphanage.
Academics who have donated have the opportunity to play to get exclusive Untar souvenirs of Halloween edition.
In her session, Head of Untar Public Relations Office Dra. Paula T. Anggarina, M.M. provided education about the dangers of hoaxes through the traditional game of Kuda Bisik.
Paula explained that information disseminated can be interpreted differently by each person. Just like this game, the information received by the last person is not necessarily the same as the information provided by the first party.
“Therefore, we need to be wise in choosing information, especially information circulating on social media,” concluded Paula.
In particular, the administrator of Muslimin Orphanage, Tika Dewanti, appreciated Untar for this activity. Tika hopes that the collaboration with Untar will continue in the form of other activities.
Panti Piatu Muslimin is one of Untar’s partners. In March 2023, a number of Untar and INTI Malaysia students held a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) event in the form of games and learning together at Piatu Muslimin. This activity was also attended by children from Van Der Steur Orphanage and Rumah Hati Suci Orphanage.
The event was also enlivened by a magic show from the Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Tarumanagara University Magic Federation (Festa). (ZR/AW)