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Alumni of Untar’s Master of Law Selected as Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK)

9 November 2023

Oleh: Admin

Constitutional Judge Suhartoyo has been elected Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) for the period 2023-2028. Suhartoyo was elected by consensus of the constitutional judges in a closed plenary meeting as the first mechanism for electing the leadership of the Constitutional Court, Thursday (9/11). Suhartoyo is an alumnus of Master of Law at the Faculty of Law (FH) Untar, graduated in 2003.

As an alumnus, Untar is proud of Suhartoyo’s election. This was conveyed by the Dean of the Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. H. Amad Sudiro, S.H., M.H., M.M., M.Kn. who expressed his pride for the election of the alumnus of FH Untar.

“As Dean of the Faculty of Law, I feel very proud and congratulate His Excellency Dr. Suhartoyo, S.H., M.H. on his election as the Chairman of the Constitutional Court,” he said.

He hopes that Suhartoyo, who was classified as an outstanding student during college, can restore the spirit of the Constitutional Court institution to the original purpose of its establishment as the guardian of the constitution and one of the results of legal reform in Indonesia.

In line with the above statement, Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., A.E. on behalf of the entire academic community congratulated Suhartoyo on his assignment as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court and hoped that in carrying out his duties, he would prioritize the values of Untar, namely integrity, professionalism and entrepreneurship.

“Hopefully he can carry out his duties successfully, and produce works that are beneficial to the nation and state and the welfare of all Indonesian people,” he said. (YS/KJ)


Read More on External Media
Suhartoyo Alumni Magister Hukum Untar yang Terpilih Jadi Ketua MK

Jakarta Review
Alumni Magister Hukum Untar Suhartoyo Terpilih Jadi Ketua MK
Terpilih Menjadi Ketua MK, Hakim Suhartoyo Bertekad Bangkitkan Kepercayaan Publik
Untar Bangga, Lulusannya Suhartoyo Terpilih Sebagai Ketua MK
Alumni Magister Hukum Untar Terpilih Jadi Ketua MK
Ketua MK Suhartoyo Alumni Magister FH Untar Tahun 2003

Media Indonesia
Untar Harapkan Suhartoyo Mampu Kembalikan Marwah MK
Alumni Magister Hukum Untar Hakim Konstitusi Suhartoyo Jadi Ketua MK

El John News
Terpilih Sebagai Ketua MK, Suhartoyo Diharapkan Dapat Jaga Integritas dan Profesionalisme

MNC Trijaya
Sebagai Alumnus Untar, Ketua MK yang Baru Suhartoyo Diharapkan Kembalikan Marwah MK

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