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Untar Greets New Students with Spirit of Nationalism

17 August 2023

Oleh: Admin Pusat

Untar held the 78th Republic of Indonesia Independence Day Ceremony at Untar Campus I Courtyard, Thursday (17/8), which participated by lecturers, staffs, and class of 2023 students. As the Inspector of Ceremony Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., I.P.U., A.E. The ceremony was participated by Kodim 0503 West Jakarta and Polsek Tanjung Duren.

The Independence Day Ceremony becomes the peak event of 2023 New Student Orientation (PMB). The PMB which titled “Build a Sense of Belonging by Leading Transformation” was started on 14 August 2023 and in cooperation with Indonesian National Army (TNI) and Indonesian National Police (Polri). This expected to establish nationalism and patriotism in each student.

The PMB presented Commander General of TNI Academy Letjen TNI Dr. Teguh Arief Indratmoko, S.E., M.M., Head of TNI Center of Psychology Laksda TNI Dr. Wiwin Dwi Handayani, M.Si., Psikolog, Marine Force I Commander Brigadier General TNI (Mar) Umar Farouq, S.A.P., CHRMP, M.Tr.Opsla, M.Han., and Head of Subbagsumda Setpusinafis Bareskrim Polri AKBP Dr. Rita Wulandari Wibowo, S.I.K., M.H. as speakers.

The speakers presented topics that would be able to grow comprehension and knowledge in new students, particularly to grow patriotism and awareness to problems circulating in the society.

Letjen TNI Dr. Teguh Arief Indratmoko expects students to always be passionate in learning, as education is one of the prevalent important topic, particularly to support bonus demography or Indonesia Emas (Golden Indonesia) 2045. He also shared his key to success, which are optimistic, having positive character, discipline, and be confident.

Meanwhile, Laksda TNI Dr. Wiwin Dwi Handayani, M.Si., Psikolog in her session discussed on student’s role in bela negara (national defense). Bela negara not only in a war, but for students, students could fight for the Republic of Indonesia in non-physical ways, such as producing innovations and achievements, serving wholeheartedly in accordance to one’s profession, enroll in quality education, and many more.

Other speaker, AKBP Dr. Rita Wulandari Wibowo, S.I.K., M.H. presented “Synergy of Sexual Abuse Prevention and Treatment Task Force”. According to her, students must be able to prevent sexual harrasment or abuse, in and out of campus.

During the opening of PMB, Rector reminded students to carry out obligations as students accordingly, that they must be able to improve knowledge, skills, and competencies, in the fields of academic and non-academic.

Peak of PMB is students participating Republic of Indonesia Independence Ceremony alongside lecturers and staffs of Untar.

Rector of Untar in his speech expects students to preserve the spirit of patriotism and nationalism throughout their studies at Untar.

The ceremony was also complemented with independence day songs performed by Universitas Tarumanagara Choir (PSUT). (SC/YS/AW)


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El John Media
Untar Perkuat Semangat Nasionalisme Bagi Mahasiswa Melalui Upacara HUT ke-78 Kemerdekaan RI
Untar Greets New Students with Spirit of Nationalism

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