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Research at Universities Produce Human Resources with Intellectual Rights

22 May 2023

Oleh: Admin Pusat

Shift of paradigm on development of a country in this digital era causes Intellectual Rights a key factor for legal protection, as its possession might affect economical and welfare growth of a country.

This was the statement of Head of Master of Management Study Program Dr. Keni, M.M., in Master of Management Study Program Webinar themed “Intellectual Rights in Digital Era,” Monday (22/5) which presented Directorate of Copyright, Integrated Circuit Layout Design, and Trade Secret Ir. Aribudhi Nugroho Suyono, M.IPL. as a speaker.

This webinar is aimed to provide new knowledge regarding the importance of intellectual rights to the participants.

Aribudhi said that a country that has human resources based on intellectual rights is richer, compared to a country that has abundant natural resources but low on intellectual rights-based human resources.

He said, higher education holds an important role in building and creating human resources with intellectual rights, through various researches conducted. The researches could help higher education, society, and country in improving national economic through technology.

“This could support the quality of education, and improve the welfare of higher education and society,” he said. (DN/YS/AW)

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