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Nine Untar Female Students Receive IISMA 2023 Scholarship, Successors of Lady Kartini’s Endeavor

28 April 2023

Oleh: Admin Pusat

This year’s Kartini Day and National Education Day at Untar are special. Nine Untar female students managed to be the International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) 2023 Awardees. All Untar IISMA 2023 Awardees are female students that will be the successor of Lady Kartini’s Endeavor.

Rector of Untar, Prof. Dr. Ir. Agustinus Purna Irawan, M.T., M.M., IPU, ASEAN Eng., congratulates the nine students that managed to pass through IISMA 2023 selection. Chasing dream by studying abroad is an implementation of MBKM Programs towards World Class University. As one of the leading universities in Jakarta, Untar always encourage its students to be leading human resources, following the steps of RA Kartini and Ki Hajar Dewantara.

One of the awardees is Samantha Elizabeth Fitzgerald that considers the struggle of Kartini as a symbol, that intelligence and skills could be obtained by anyone who wants to try. Including herself, that managed to have the opportunity to be an IISMA Scholarship Awardee to University of Waterloo, Canada.

“As one of female students chosen to be an IISMA Awardee, I strive to be an inspiration for people, to chase my dream and exceed status quo,” said the Faculty of Law student. Samantha also wishes Indonesian women to realize that they are special, and to always support each other, dare to be visible, act, and chase their dreams.

IISMA is a leading scholarship program funded by the government, managed centrally by Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Kemendikbudristek. This program funds Indonesian bachelor students, in a mobility program in leading universities abroad for one semester.

IISMA 2023 Awardees from Untar are:

1. Sharon Marilyn – Sussex University
2. Caecilia Patrice Yonandi – Edinburgh University
3. Kharisma Putri Anugerah – Sapienza University of Rome
4. Esperansya Desmonda Woen – Nanyang Technological University
5. Samantha Elizabeth Fitzgerald – University of Waterloo
6. Helen Angelina – Nanyang Technological University
7. Ashley Eugenia Colette – Korea University
8. Sheillya Khonada – University of Leeds
9. Annabelle Kael Tanady – Taiwan Tech

One of the IISMA Scholarship Awardees, Esperansya Desmonda Woen, is also the First Place Individual Winner in ICAEW (The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) Indonesia Business Challenge.

“Studying abroad, becoming an international-level representative of Indonesia, could be done by all women. Gender, stigma, and stereotype are not, and may not be the limit of a woman’s dream and ambition,” said Esperansya that will compete in the Grand Final ICAEW China and Southeast Asia Business Challenge 2023 on the next 13 May in Vietnam. (EL/YS/AW)


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Property n Bank
Nine Untar Female Students Receive IISMA 2023 Scholarship, Successors of Lady Kartini’s Endeavor

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