Studio Seni Rupa (Visual Art Studio) of FSRD Untar organized an art exhibition at the National Gallery of Indonesia, themed “Tjergam Taroeng” wich curated by Kuss Indarto. The Exhibition held on 12 until August 22nd, 2016 and opened by Prof. Dr. Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono along with the Director of National Gallery of Indonesia Tubagus ‘Andre’ Sukmana. The term “Tjergam Taroeng” is refer to a popular genre of 1970s Indonesian comics, with their superheroes such as, Si Buta dari Goa Hantu, Panji Tengkorak, Gundala, Godam, and many others. This exhibition arises from the desire to bring the power of visual storytelling to communicate, either in a pun, parody and pastiche. The 12 artists in this exhibition were Abidin M. Noor, Andre Random, Ananta O’Edan, Iqbal M. Oemar, Kurnia Setiawan, Leonard Pratama, Muchyar, Nashir Setiawan,Toto M. Mukmin, Untung Saryanto, Yassir Malik, Yuli Asmanto. For this exhibition they named their group of artists as Djagat Roepa – Studio Enam. They used various media such as acrylic painting, installation art, and sculpture. In Visual Arts Studio of FSRD Untar, students and lecturers making artworks such as linocut, kitchen lithography, silk screen printing and drawing. Contributor: Kurnia Setiawan is a lecturer in FSRD UntarPhoto by Yuli Amanto, is a lecture in FSRD Untar
Tjergam Taroeng, An Art Exhibition of FSRD Untar Lecturers in the National Gallery of Indonesia

12 Agustus 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat