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The Succession in Doctorate Title

29 Januari 2018

Oleh: Admin Pusat


26th January 2018, Fikom Untar celebrated Dr. Muhammad Adi Pribadi, MIB., M.Comm in FIkom Untar 11th floor main building. The gratitude was attended by Dr. R.M. Gatot P. Soemartono, S.E.,S.H.,M.M.,LLM, Dr. Riris Loisa, M.Si, and Drs. Widayatmoko M.M., M.I.KOM., along with all staffs. The celebration is a routine act by Fikom Untar who have finished the doctoral studies. “We hope that all lecturers in FIkom Untar can continue and finish the doctoral studies.” According to vice rector.

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