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Academic Mentors Meeting

22 Januari 2018

Oleh: Admin Pusat


Fikom Untar held Academic Mentors meeting at 11th floor on West Jakarta Main Building, January 22nd, 2018. The meeting was opened by the Dean of Fikom Untar Dr. Riris Loisa, M.Si also the vice dean Drs. Widayatmoko, MM., M.I.Kom, and lecturers. The discussion is about lecturers purposes in order to assist students in choosing or planning the next semester courses. In addition, The lecturers also advise the students for academic and non academic consultation. “In upcoming future, lecturers can utilize the facilities of Academic Advisors (Lecturers) through lintar.untar.ac.id to help students in discussing academic and non academic problems they experienced” said Dean Fikom. (SP)

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