Ministry of Health has determined that Diphtheria virus is a national epidemic that attacks the society lately even cause casualties. In connection with this, Tarumanagara University cares all students healths, conducts free diphtheria immunization to students and university students throughout Tarumanagara University during December and will be sustainable. The event was also held at the Faculty of Communication Science Tarumanagara University on December 19, 2017 in Room 1103 Main Building 11th Floor Fikom Untar. Attended by Dean of Fikom Untar Dr. Riris Loisa, M.Si, and doctors and lecturers from theTarumanagara Faculty of Medicine. Students of Fikom Untar who participated in the immunization commented that “this activity is positive what else is given in free, we thank to Untar who has been paying attention to student health” said student Fikom Untar. (PS)
Fikom Untar Supports the Diphtheria Virus Suppression