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UNTAR’s ORI Week Opening

15 Desember 2017

Oleh: Admin Pusat


As a response to Indonesia’s Government Outbreak Response Immunization program to recent Diphtheria outbreak, Universitas Tarumanagara’s Faculty of Medicine (FK Untar) participated through administering free vaccines to students under 19 of age. The ORI program was only possible due to collaborative work between FK Untar and West Jakarta’s Health Officials (Sudinkes). The free vaccination eventwas opened on Thursday, Dec 14th 2017. In this event, West Jakarta Sudinkes’s Chief dr. Weningtyas Purnomorini, MARS attended the event with the People’s Welfare and Administration Assistant, Mr. Yunus Burhan, S.Sos. The program, which will last until December 20th 2017, targets over 2000 students under 19 years old.

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